A Day in the Life of a Wedding Pianist: Delays, Roadworks, and F1 Cars


Hello and welcome to an exclusive journey behind the curtains of a wedding pianist's bustling world. Today, I invite you to accompany me as we celebrate Charlotte and Jordan's wedding. From the meticulous preparation to performing under pressure, take a peek behind the scenes of exactly what happens to deliver your wedding music without a hitch!


Preparation and Rehearsal:

The journey to creating musical magic begins weeks before the big day, as I dedicate countless hours to practice and rehearsal. Charlotte's chosen entrance piece, "I Get to Love You" by Ruelle, sets the stage for an emotional procession. As she had five bridesmaids and a flower girl, she requested to extend the song so she could walk in on the chorus, creating an unforgettable entrance.


Setting the Stage:

As the dawn of the wedding day breaks, preparations swing into motion. Amidst the flurry of last-minute arrangements, I iron my suit, then load the van with the essentials. Despite over 45-minutes of delays, I still made it with time to spare, as I always leave plenty of time for any last-minute hiccups like this! The Grosvenor Hotel and Spa in Chester stands as the picturesque backdrop for Charlotte and Jordan's big day, and the room was beautifully decorated creating an atmosphere of elegance and charm.

The Grand Piano set up in the Ceremony Room at The Grosvenor Hotel and Spa in Chester

The Grand Performance:

With my Grand Piano assembled and music at the ready, the stage is set for a symphony of emotions to unfold. Charlotte and Jordan picked the entire playlist to entertain their guests, and I played everything from Oasis to tunes from Star Wars!

Then it was time for the grand entrance. Despite the meticulous preparation, I still had nerves as I wanted to time the entrance perfectly for Charlotte and had to react live to how fast the procession was walking on the day.

Thankfully, I timed it perfectly, and Charlotte got her perfect reveal. Amidst heartfelt exchanges and radiant smiles, the newly pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Robinson embark on their journey hand in hand, to cheers from friends and family.

A Moment of Reflection:

As the echoes of applause fade into the distance, it's time to bid adieu to Charlotte and Jordan, leaving them to enjoy the rest of the day (and the F1 car which turned up for pictures). Reflecting on the day's events, Charlotte's said she had tears in her eyes as she was listening to the music in the room next door (hopefully happy ones!)

This serves as a poignant reminder of music's power to evoke raw emotions; don’t forget to keep a tissue close at hand just in case!

I hope this glimpse into the life of a wedding pianist has offered you a newfound appreciation for the magic of music on your special day.

As you embark on your journey of wedding planning, make sure to consider your music, and the massive difference it can make to the backdrop of your day.


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